Our mission is to grow together - with each other, with nature, with our neighbors, with time. We're committed to enriching every life our farm touches, promoting biodiversity, and fostering sustainable stewardship.
Today our farm proudly raises pastured lamb and poultry, and offers premium hard neck garlic and garlic products. Our passion for regenerative effort and dedication to this mission are driven by awe and gratitude for the power of nature to turn effort into life itself.

Order Now: Premium ​Garlic Powder, Granules, Brittle, and Scape Flakes
Our 2024 premium hard neck blend is a small batch featuring several Eastern-European varieties from our own harvest as well as Laughing Goat Farm (thanks Dad!). The blend includes: Rosewood, Music, Calabria, Georgian Fire, German White, German Red, and a few others - giving it a nice little kick.
Garlic powder, granules, brittle, and scape flakes are available in 2 oz packs for shipping within the U.S., or pickup here at the farm. Please do consider coming by - we'd love to introduce you to the sheep.