Our mission is to grow together.
We believe that by putting our time into the soil, and enriching lives that interact with the soil, we can live more restoratively, in service, and in abundance.
When we deepen soil and the connections to it, we engage countless organisms and natural forces to co-create new, life-giving earth. That new organic material then extends the nurturing legacy of our efforts today far into the future in ways we may never fully comprehend.
"Deep time" is a concept that helps us discuss natural processes in scales of time that are far greater than our own lives.
"Farming" is a practice based on the concept that, in exchange for continuous tending effort, the earth may grant us access to the future.
At any scale, time is precious. Before it was our time down here, each component of our farm was part of something else. And then, for all of time up to this moment, the universe did the only thing we’ve ever known: it made living soil out of stars and planets, and, eventually, in time, it gave us this place to do the same.